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BubbleBar not working

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CAB Enabling Kit
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Piter asked on 23 Jun 2013, 06:52 PM
I'm trying to get the bubble bar in my application but I can't make it work, if i try to copy the example i get a lot of errors and I can't get it to work I tryed searching older posts but with every single one I can't make it to work again a alot of error or if a try to modify anything the hole thing crashes...

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Telerik team
answered on 25 Jun 2013, 09:24 AM
Hi Piter,

Thank you for contacting us.

You can read about the RadBubbleBar in this thread - How can I develop Bubble Bar? - Forms, Dialogs, TitleBar, StatusStrip Forum - WinForms Controls. The attachments contain
  1. C# WinForms project containing the classes required for the bubble bar to work
  2. ClassLibrary project which you can compile and add reference to the compiled dll file in your projects
The 3 classes required for the bubble bar to work are:
  1. BubbleBarElement
  2. BubbleBarMouseOverBehavior
  3. RadBubbleBar
They are implemented and should work out of the box, all you need to do is add references to the following Telerik libraries:
  1. Telerik.WinControls
  2. Telerik.WinControls.UI
I have attached the projects.

If you need further assistance, I would be glad to help.

RadChart for WinForms is obsolete. Now what?
CAB Enabling Kit
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