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Issue Description: I'm encountering challenges with dynamically positioning the command column within the Telerik Blazor DataGrid while using a single grid component for two pages. Each page utilizes the same grid component but may have different sets of columns generated dynamically. Despite this setup, I'm unable to ensure that the command column consistently appears at the last position in the grid on both pages.

Background: In my application, I've implemented Telerik Blazor's DataGrid component to display tabular data across multiple pages. To streamline development and improve code maintainability, I've opted to use a single grid component shared between two pages. Each page may have a different set of columns generated dynamically based on the specific requirements of the page. Additionally, the data source for the grid is an ExpandoObject, and I'm using a loop to dynamically generate columns.

Current Approach: My current approach involves dynamically generating columns using a loop for each page's specific requirements. However, due to the shared nature of the grid component and the dynamic nature of the data source, I'm experiencing difficulties in ensuring that the command column, which contains actions like edit, delete, etc., is consistently positioned at the last column on both pages.

Expected Behavior: I expect to have precise control over the position of the command column within the DataGrid, even when using a single grid component shared between two pages and dynamically generating columns with ExpandoObject as the data source. Regardless of the page being accessed, the command column should always appear at the last position in the grid, providing users with a consistent interface for interacting with the data.

Request for Assistance: I'm seeking assistance from the Telerik community for guidance, insights, or potential workarounds on how to achieve the desired behavior of positioning the command column as the last column in the DataGrid consistently across two pages, even when utilizing a shared grid component and dynamically generating columns with ExpandoObject as the data source.

Any assistance or suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your support!

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