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UI for Blazor Forum
1 answer


I've attached a picture for it describes the problem best. After clicking on a tab item (Blazor UI) there is a "focus rectangle" around the tab. How can I make sure that this rectangle never shows, that is, clicking on the tab should simply select the tab and not paint the rectangle. To my surprise the following didn't work:

::deep .k-active:active{
    outline: none !important;
::deep .k-active:focus{
    outline: none !important;

Hristian Stefanov
Telerik team
 answered on 03 Apr 2024
1 answer

I'm trying to add styling to a specific tabstrip content (e.g. removing the padding). But I can't seem to figure out a way to select the specific tabstrip content.

This code:


    <TabStripTab Title="General Info" Class="tab-pane-general-info">
         <div class="general-info"></div>

    <TabStripTab Title="Summary" Class="tab-pane-product-list">
        <div class="product-list"></div>


Results in the following HTML:

I don't have a way to identify the different tab contents.

I know I can select on the div I created (.general-info), but I want to remove the padding from the k-tabstrip-content for a specific tab.

Any ideas?

Telerik team
 answered on 05 Dec 2023
1 answer

Hey there!


I'm not the greatest when it comes to editing the CSS in your components. Can you help me figure out how to change the text color on the Tab Stip? My default color is Red, but I would like to change that to grey so it looks less like a warning or an alert.  I pasted an example from your demo site. I'd like to change what is currently blue. Thanks in advance for any assistance!!



Hristian Stefanov
Telerik team
 answered on 20 Nov 2023
1 answer


I'm trying to build an edit screen for some rather complicated data. The data is complicated enough that putting the entire form on one page is quite unwieldy, so I decided to move parts of it to different tabs. Easier said than done apparently, because I'm running into an issue.

It looks like there is an issue when nesting FormItems within a TabStripTab. Here's a code sample to reproduce the issue;

<TelerikForm Model="@_model" OnValidSubmit="HandleValidSubmit">
        <TelerikTabStrip PersistTabContent="true">
            <TabStripTab Title="Tab 1">
                <FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl1)" LabelText="Generic lvl 1" />
            <TabStripTab Title="Tab 2">
                <FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl2)" LabelText="Generic lvl 2" />
                <FormItem Field="@nameof(_model.GenericLvl3)" LabelText="Generic lvl 3" />
        <TelerikButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" ThemeColor="primary">Submit</TelerikButton>
        <TelerikButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Button" OnClick="Cancel">Cancel</TelerikButton>

When executed, this sample will render the following;

It appears the Generic lvl 2 field is being rendered outside of the TabStripTab. The tab itself appears empty, with the form fields it's supposed to contain appearing underneath it.

Clicking on Tab 2 then causes the fields it's supposed to contain to be placed underneath the field from Tab 1;

The fields from Tab 2 don't disappear when you click on Tab 1; they will stick around until the page is refreshed. This doesn't happen when PersistTabContent is disabled; the fields will still appear to be outside of the tab, but they do disappear when the tab is closed.

From my testing it seems that the moment a component is wrapped within a FormItem, it will be rendered outside of the tab it's supposed to be in. As another example, given this tab;

<TabStripTab Title="Tab 1">
            <TelerikTextBox @bind-Value=_model.GenericLvl1 Placeholder="Within FormItem"/>
    <TelerikTextBox @bind-Value=_model.GenericLvl2 Placeholder="Outside FormItem"/>

I would expect both text boxes to appear in order and to be visually identical (except for the placeholder text). What actually happens is this;

It's admittedly been a few years since I last worked with Blazor and I've never used the Telerik UI components before, so perhaps I'm misunderstanding or overlooking something here. But to me this looks like a bug in the library.

Does anyone know why this happens? Is there a solution?

Telerik team
 answered on 02 Nov 2023
1 answer
Hi. I'm trying to modify the grid custom-popup-for example, so that the editform is contained in a tab with only some of the properties of the Model and other properties of the model in another tab. The problem is that the Save and Cancel buttons only appear in the first tab(the edit form). Is there a way to split the model properties into more than one tab, and have the Save and Cancel buttons outside of the tabs son that they can be clicked from any tab being active?

Telerik team
 answered on 12 Sep 2023
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I'm working with tabstrips, and I've noticed that when clicking on the tab content, a white border appears (see left side of the image). I've tried several styles, but I haven't been able to remove it.
How can I make that border not visible?
Thank you.

Telerik team
 answered on 08 Aug 2023
1 answer


Telerik team
 answered on 11 Apr 2023
1 answer

The content area of my tabs have grid controls on them. I have them configured to go to a detail page when a row is double clicked.

When the detail page comes up I lose the tab strip.  

Is there a strategy or technique for keeping the tabstrip at the top even when navigating from grid to a detail page?

Nadezhda Tacheva
Telerik team
 answered on 22 Mar 2023
4 answers

Hi Team,

I am using Telerik Blazor with 3.4.0 version with same base code as

I am seeing below error while closing tabs. could you please assist for same. Note (i don't see this error when i use 3.2.0)

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikTabStrip.FocusActiveTab()
   at Telerik.Blazor.Components.TelerikTabStrip.set_CurrentActiveTabIndex(Int32 value)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallbackWorkItem.InvokeAsync[T](MulticastDelegate delegate, T arg)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.IHandleEvent.HandleEventAsync(EventCallbackWorkItem callback, Object arg)
   at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.DispatchEventAsync(UInt64 eventHandlerId, EventFieldInfo fieldInfo, EventArgs eventArgs)
Svetoslav Dimitrov
Telerik team
 answered on 16 Mar 2023
1 answer
I am using Blazor UI.  Tabstrip was working, but suddenly now they are stacked on top of each other. Attached is what the tabstrip looks like.  There are 3 tabs (TOP/HORIZONTAL).  The UI still responds but isn't desirable.  What is causing this issue? Is this related to licensing?
Telerik team
 answered on 13 Mar 2023
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