Ability to convert existing results to junit/nunit/trx

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General Discussions Remote Execution Test Execution Test Results
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David asked on 05 Aug 2021, 02:28 PM
Is there any capability to programmatically (or not programatically) export existing results (both from the scheduling server and local results) to an output like nunit/junit/or trx (for azure devops).  Is there a method within some of the TestStudio API library that would assist with this?

Looking to leverage some alternative reporting options from our results.

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Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
answered on 06 Aug 2021, 12:35 PM

Hi David,

I will be happy to provide more details about existing and new test list results and what are the available options for export.

You can open existing Test Studio results (.aiiresult files) with the Test Studio Results Viewer and explore them. There are options to manually export the results in predefined formats, like XML, TRX, HTML, etc. That said, there is no built-in feature to do this automatically (programmatically or not) and no exposed API. I must add that if you are using the Test Studio Scheduling to run the test lists, you can configure the Executive Dashboard to explore the old and new results there. You can also generate customized reports.

The ArtOfTest.Runner.exe, which I assume you are using in your environment to run some of the tests, has result options that more closely fit your needs. Check out the runner options and test them locally to analyze the output. Those options will only affect the newly executed test or test lists results.

Please explore the above suggestions and let me know if they are applicable to your scenario. I will appreciate your feedback and more details about the reports you want to generate, since I might be able to provide more suggestions.

Thank you for contacting us!

Plamen Mitrev
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commented on 06 Aug 2021, 01:01 PM

Thanks Plamen!

I was hoping there  would be some sort of exposed public method to be able to convert those programmatically but understand that it's not available.

At the moment the Exec. Dashboard isn't meeting our reporting needs, so we're looking for alternatives and most solutions accept some of the standard outputs of testing frameworks

The challenge also with art of runner is that it eliminates the ability to leverage the distributed testing functionality that's in the box.

Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
commented on 09 Aug 2021, 08:37 AM

Hi David,

I understand that the current implementation of the reports in the Executive Dashboard does not cover your requirements. I would love to hear your feedback about this and what is missing, so we can look to improve it in the future. You can open a private support ticket to discuss this further, or create a public feedback item.

It is also true that the ArtOfTest.Runner has some limitations, that are partially covered by the CommandLineClient. However, since you can only use one or the other in the test run, you are leveraging the good and bad sides of both. I created a public feature request on your behalf to extend the possibilities of the ArtOfTest.Runner. Mainly, the idea is to publish the results to the database, so they can be seen in the Executive Dashboard, and to allow distributed runs. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, please add them as a comment to the public item. I appreciate it!


General Discussions Remote Execution Test Execution Test Results
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Answers by
Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
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